
士幌 クマ印ブックカバー(文庫サイズ)

¥1,650 税込

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<士幌 クマ印ブックカバー(文庫サイズ)>
北海道士幌町の道の駅・ピア21しほろ店頭で人気の「士幌 クマ印バッグ」。町内の農協で使用済みとなったでんぷん袋を再利用して制作されたアイテムは、入荷から間もなく品切れとなるほどの好評が長く続いています。

そして、同じクマ印でんぷん袋を活用して生まれた新商品がこちらの「士幌 クマ印ブックカバー」。全面に印刷された木彫り親子グマの真っ赤なイラスト(70年前のデザインとのこと)が目を引きます。


制作は「士幌 クマ印バッグ」と同じく、障がい者就労支援施設・しほろほのぼのホーム共同作業所(北海道士幌町)によるもの。でんぷん袋を開き、型紙に沿って切り、縫い合わせる工程まで、一点ずつ手作りした商品です。



「士幌 クマ印バッグ」の制作裏話をオフィス・シロ公式サイトに載せています。

< Carved bear illustrated original book cover >
Hailing from the Roadside Station, “Pia 21 Shihoro” in Hokkaido's Shihoro Town, the popular "Shihoro Bear Stamp Bag" stands out. This item, crafted from used starch bags from the town's agricultural cooperative, has enjoyed such acclaim that it often sells out shortly after restocking.

Now, introducing a new product made from the same Bear-stamped starch bags: the "Shihoro Bear Stamp Book Cover." The entire surface showcases a strikingly red illustration of carved parent and child bears, a design that dates back 70 years.

Originally designed to hold 25 kilos as an industrial starch bag, the cover has a remarkably robust texture that gains character with use. The inner dimensions stand at approximately 155mm in height, making it the perfect fit for pocket-sized books (though some taller books may not fit).

These covers, like the "Shihoro Bear Stamp Bag," are produced by the Shihoro Heartwarming Home Cooperative Workshop in Hokkaido's Shihoro Town, a facility supporting employment for people with disabilities. Each starch bag is unfolded, cut according to a pattern, and sewn together, resulting in a handcrafted product.

Due to the meticulous production process, for the time being, we are limiting orders to one item per person. Thank you for your understanding.

Please Note:

・Due to the variability in the starch bags, there may be variations in the inner cover's lettering (presence or absence of text). Unfortunately, specific choices are not available.
・The stitch color is available in two options: "brown" and "red." Please specify your preference when ordering.
・These were originally bags that contained starch. Those with allergies should exercise caution.
・As these are handcrafted from used materials, each piece may vary slightly. Your understanding is appreciated when placing an order.
・Items will be shipped via the postal service's 'Letter Pack Light’.

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¥1,650 税込
